Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wooden Beads – Ethnic and Classy

Wooden Beads are popular since ages immemorial. Wood being the most commonly and abundantly found on earth, man started using wood to make beads alongside with other useful articles.

Wooden beads are generally made of wood of trees such as bamboo, ebony, ironwood, palm, apple and pear to name a few, this is primarily because the grain of the wood is fine while the wood emits a faint yet pleasing aroma. Most wooden beads are made in South East Asian countries while even select European countries have ventured into bead making.

Wooden beads can be available in finely polished natural wood tones or even bright and fancy colours which truly lighten up the wearer’s appeal. Popular wooden beads also contain patterns and intricate designs on them.

You get round wooden beads, oval wooden beads, square wooden beads and even wooden bead mixtures – though most of them come in basic wood colours. For colourful wooden beads you could also check out Indian Wooden Beads which contain trendy patterns in bright colours.

So, go ahead and get set for wearing bold and funky jewellery made out of wooden beads which make you truly stand out in the crowd.

Letter Beads – top favorite amongst the young generation

Letter Beads are beads which have different alphabets printed on them. Depending upon the colour and the size of the bead, the size of the alphabet also differs. Popular letter beads available in the market are plastic beads and wooden letter beads.

In plastic beads again you can get letter beads in various colours with alphabets written in black or white beads with black printed alphabets or even black letter beads which contain alphabets written in white. Similarly you have white bodied letter beads which have alphabets printed in various colours. Yet another popular set of beads in plastic are the silver letter beads and the gold letter beads which add a shine and glow to the jewellery item – they prove just right for the jazzy and funky young generation jewellery articles.

The wooden letter beads are slightly brighter and larger in size as compared to plastic letter beads. The most regular variety of plastic beads is of size 7 mm while you have wooden letter beads in size 10mm.

Letter beads jewellery items such as bracelets, anklets and earring have caught the fancy of the young generation. Usually bracelets and anklets featuring their name with a catchy slogan can found worn by them.